Oh yes – this is normal people.
Who among you knows a house where it is all peace and bliss trying to get all your kids (or even just the one) ready and out the door so that you can make day-care, school and your job on time? Not a single one I bet…
Don’t you just love it when you are almost there. You are all ready and lined up to go out the door. And then, you notice one child without a school hat. You take a deep breath and send them upstairs to go get it. Just then, another shouts that they need to do a poo – so you go and sort that.
OK we are ready now – but the hat-less child has still not returned. You go to their room to get them – and low and behold – they are dressed in a fairy costume and playing with barbies. Have you started shouting yet???????
I’ll say it again – this is normal…
You are all working from different stages of brain development and as such different priorities.
We cannot expect a child under 7 to follow a complex list of instructions or to stay focussed on the most difficult task of your day when the corpus collosum in their brain is not fully developed yet.
Oh but wouldn’t it be great if we could just get through the morning without shouting and anger. If we just understood our children and how they process emotions and logic. If we knew how to engage with them to get the best out of everyone.
Oh – and if we knew and understood why they things that they do ‘trigger’ us and bring us to the point of rage and we could ‘heal’ that within ourselves.
That’s what I do with kinesiology.. That’s the beauty of it – everyone learning and understanding how they work. Everyone knowing how and why they react to life in the way they do. Everyone understanding the hurts that their nervous systems are trying to protect them from and to know how to let go off and heal those hurts. To be calmer, have more understanding and patience. To be more emotionally intelligent and to actually ‘love’.