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So far admin has created 11 entries.
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    When does your child need some extra support and kinesiology?

When does your child need some extra support and kinesiology?

Seems like a difficult question right? Wrong actually..

Children can always benefit from some extra support – don’t forget childhood is a time of immense change. They are physically growing and changing? We expect them to move through massive life changes – and it is not easy.

How nervous are you when you are going for […]

March 18th, 2021|Children, Kinesiology, Wellbeing|Comments Off on When does your child need some extra support and kinesiology?|

Are mornings a sh*tshow in your house?

Oh yes – this is normal people.
Who among you knows a house where it is all peace and bliss trying to get all your kids (or even just the one) ready and out the door so that you can make day-care, school and your job on time? Not a single one I bet…

Don’t you […]

March 11th, 2021|Children, Kinesiology, Wellbeing|Comments Off on Are mornings a sh*tshow in your house?|
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    Children and Kinesiology in clinic – What are we actually doing?

Children and Kinesiology in clinic – What are we actually doing?

So what are we doing when we work with children and kinesiology in clinic?

I adore working with children and kinesiology in clinic – they are so connected and so amazing. It’s always cool when they explain how they are feeling and what their bodies are feeling.

My role as a kinesiologist when working with children […]

March 4th, 2021|Children, Kinesiology, Wellbeing|Comments Off on Children and Kinesiology in clinic – What are we actually doing?|
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    Spotlight on: Kinesiology. What is it and how can it benefit you?

Spotlight on: Kinesiology. What is it and how can it benefit you?

It’s a tough question – and one that I have thought about often over the years as I try to articulate what kinesiology is in a way that is easy for everybody to understand. I have joined a networking group (My Networking Group in Capalaba), and as I meet with each of the amazing […]

March 5th, 2019|Kinesiology, Wellbeing|Comments Off on Spotlight on: Kinesiology. What is it and how can it benefit you?|

Head Lice – Need I say more…..

Well it’s happened – as a Mum of a 3 year old, I’ll admit that I was not expecting it quite so soon. An e-mail from daycare arrived yesterday saying that they have confirmed cases of dreaded HEAD LICE. Yep, those itchy buggers have started to take over.

I still have nightmarish memories of having […]

October 18th, 2018|Chemical Free, Essential Oils, Wellbeing|Comments Off on Head Lice – Need I say more…..|

It’s Cold and Flu season

So winter is upon us and it feels like people everywhere around us is succumbing to the cold and flu viruses – head colds, runny noses and coughs. I’m taking my little man into day care and all I can see is green snot…. It’s enough to make me run screaming for the hills.

So […]

May 24th, 2018|Chemical Free, Essential Oils, Wellbeing|Comments Off on It’s Cold and Flu season|




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