So winter is upon us and it feels like people everywhere around us is succumbing to the cold and flu viruses – head colds, runny noses and coughs. I’m taking my little man into day care and all I can see is green snot…. It’s enough to make me run screaming for the hills.

So what can we do?? Well as the saying goes – prevention is better than cure..

So first what is cold and flu? The common cold, including chest cold and head cold, and the flu are all caused by viruses that we just pick up from living life. We can use over-the-counter cold medications or we can use alternative remedies to relieve symptoms including sore throat, runny nose, congestion, and cough. And believe me – if I have those symptoms bad enough – I’ll try anything!

However, as a Mum and a business owner, I really try to avoid the symptoms in the first place. To do this we really need to look at boosting our immunity…….

Food – I’m trying (as much as I can) to feed my family nourishing and warming foods at this time of year. And I say trying as I have a 2 year old.. Include some warming and nutrient rich stews and bone broth in your diet if you can.

Essential Oils – The diffusers in my house are running overtime at the moment. There is a huge range of oils that you can use depending on what you are trying to do. And there are many ways to use essential oils. In your diffuser, just a drop on a tissue and inhale, add to bathwater (I always add my to some epsom salts first), dilute with a carrier oil and massage into the body – chest, back of neck, face etc.

Note: you should always check with an expert before you essential oils them so you understand the oil and it’s benefits and contraindications and make sure you buy good quality oils.

My essential oil staples at this time of year are:

  • Easy Air – its a respiratory blend to calm and soothe all the respiratory tissues.
  • On Guard – a protective blend to kill airborne pathogens and essential oils are reported to be able to kill viruses as well as other nasties
  • Peppermint oil is a great one if you have already succumbed – it’s helps with high temperature and it can help reduce coughs and colds too
  • Rosemary – I find it great as a decongestant, (less is more as you can feel it in your eyes)

See your naturopath for your supplements if you have run out. I take zinc, Vitamin C and B’s just to keep me humming along

There is lots of info online that covers all the topics above in great detail whether you are going to head down the alternative or pharmaceutical route. Do your research and speak to the experts to help you decide what works and feels right for you and your family and good luck avoiding the nasties this year!!

For your essential oils and diffusers, you can contact me and I’ll help you if I can..